2018 Third International Symposium on Food and Health (ISFH), Shanghai Meeting Agenda






May 23rd,   2018Wednesday   Registration

09:00 - 24:00


Exchange   Center For Graduate Students

17:30 - 18:30


The Second/   Third Cafeteria

May 24th,   2018Thursday

Registration Place1st   floor in Library

Opening   Ceremony

HostJing Xie, Dean of College of Food Science & Technology, Shanghai Ocean   University, CN


104 Meeting   Room

08:30 - 08:40

Prof. Yudong Cheng , Welcoming Speech

President of Shanghai Ocean University, CN

08:40 - 08:50

Prof. Yingjie Pan, Welcoming Speech

Director of Shanghai Society of Food Science, CN

08:50 - 09:00

Take Photos


Subject Report 1

HostJianrong Li,Vice President of Bohai University, CN

Pradeep K. Malakar,Fonterra Co-operative Group Limited,   Senior Research Scientist, NZL


104 Meeting   Room

09: 00 - 09:30

Health   Promotion of Marine Lipid Innovation of Chinese food industry - Marine Oil   Industry

Prof. Beiwei Zhu,Academician of the Chinese Academy   of Engineering,Dalian   Polytechnic University, CN

09:30 - 09:55

Antioxidants   in food and health: Learning from the past and moving to the future

Prof. Fereidoon Shahidi, Memorial University of Newfoundland,   Editor-in-chief of Journal of Functional Foods, CA

09:55 - 10:20

Insuring Food Safety: The Generally Recognized As Safe   (GRAS) Process to Protect Public Health

Alexander G. Schauss, CEO   of US AIBMR Life Sciences, USA

10:20 - 10:30

Time for Rest/Posters Show

1st   floor in Library

Subject report 2

HostXichang Wang,The Vice Director of Shanghai Society of Food Science, CN

Vivian C.H. Wu,Director ofUSDA West Research Center, Shanghai   Oriental Scholar,



104 Meeting   Room

10:30 - 11:00

Biotechnology:   An important approach for food safety control during food processing

Prof. Jian Chen,Academician of the Chinese Academy   of Engineering, President of Jiangnan University, CN

11:00 - 11:25

Microbiome, Metabolite Production and Implications for   Host Health

Prof. R. Paul Ross, University   College Cork, IR

11:25 - 11:50

Mathematical simulations in thermal food processing

Prof. Noboru Sakai, Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology, JP

11:50 - 13:30


The Second/   Third Cafeteria

Reports 1

HostYong Zhao,The Vice Dean of College of Food Science & Technology in Shanghai   Ocean

University,   CN

Hua Fan,Free   University of Berlin, GER


104 Meeting   Room

13:30 - 13:50

Research advance in storage, processing and safety   control on aquatic products

Prof. Jianrong Li,Vice President of   Bohai University, CN

13:50 - 14:10

Control of Bacillus cereus in dairy products in New   Zealand

Prof. Pradeep K. Malakar, Fonterra Co-operative Group Limited, Senior   Research Scientist, NZL Shanghai Oriental   scholar

14:10 - 14:30

Some Thoughts on the Development of Nutrition science

Prof. Yingjie Pan,Director of Shanghai Society of Food Science, CN

14:30 - 14:50

Prevent Cross-Contamination from Food Contact Surfaces Using Light   Activated Antimicrobial Nano-coatings

Prof.   Yen-Con Hung,University of   Georgia, USA

14:50 - 15:10

Food safety   micro nano electromechanical resonant sensor

Prof. Xinxin Li,Shanghai Institute of Microsystem and Information Technology   Chinese Academy of Sciences,Winner of National   Outstanding Youth Funds, CN

15:10 - 15:30

Gaseous antimicrobial intervention for   produce safety

Prof. Vivian C.H. Wu,Director of   USDA West Research Center, USA

Shanghai Oriental scholar

15:30 - 15:45

China Food segment manager

Liang Yao,Perkinelmer Management(shanghai) Co. Ltd

15:45 - 15:55

Time for Rest/ Posters Show

1st   floor in Library

Reports 2

Host Yinzhe Jin,The Vice Dean of College of Food Science & Technology in Shanghai   Ocean University, CN

Yen-Con Hung,University of Georgia, USA


104 Meeting   Room

15:55 - 16:15

Novel   Virulence-Associated Factors of Vibrio parahaemolyticus Revealed by   Comparative Secretomics

Prof.Lanming Chen,Shanghai Ocean University, Shanghai Oriental scholar, CN

16:15 - 16:35

Antimicrobial   Resistance and Food Safety Research: Linking Veterinary Medicine and Public   Health

Prof.Walid Alali, United Arab Emirates University, UA

16:35 - 16:50

Application   of omics technology in food safety

Yonghong   Jin,senior application scientist, AB Sciex Pte. Ltd

16:50 - 17:10

Biochemical and functional characterization of fish   bone collagen hydrolysates derived by enzymatic hydrolysis

Prof. Jeya Shakila. R, Tamil Nadu   Dr. J. Jayalalithaa Fisheries University, IN

17:10 - 17:30

Evidence-based Functional Food can Reduce Medical   Expenses - Lytone’s Experience

Prof. William T H Chang, Shanghai   Lytone Biochemicals, Ltd, CN

17:30 - 17:50

Structured Microgels: Design, Fabrication and   Application as Delivery Systems in Foods

Song Miao, Teagasc Food   Research Centre Moorepark, Ireland, IR

18:00 - 20:30


Second Floor   of The Second Cafeteria

May 25th,   2018 (Friday)

08:30 - 12:00

Forum 1

The Second   Teaching Building

Forum   2

Youth Forum of Shanghai Society of Food Science


Forum 1




May 25th,   2018Friday

Host: Yishan Song, The Vice Dean of College of Food Science   & Technology,

Shanghai Ocean University, CN

Xianli Wu, USDA-ARS Beltsville Human   Nutrition Research Center,


The Second   Teaching Building

Room 2203

08: 40 - 09:00

Beneficial effects of Probiotic   Lactobacillus caseistrain Shirota on human health

Mitsuhisa Kawai, Yakult   Central Institute, JP

09:20 - 09:40

USDA Special Interest Databases on   dietary flavonoids and glucosinolates – current status and future directions

Xianli Wu, USDA-ARS   Beltsville Human Nutrition Research Center, USA

09: 40 – 10:00

Application of multifunctional materials   based on Fe3O4 in integration of cancer diagnosis and   treatment

Qiwei Tian, Associate   Professor,Shanghai   Normal University, Shanghai young Oriental scholar, CN

10:00 – 10:20

Research progress of microwave heat   processing equipment

Donglei Luan, Associate   Professor, Shanghai Ocean University, CN

10:20 - 10:30

Time for Rest

10:30 – 10:45

Paracrine signalling mechanism of   primary osteocytes on bone marrow macrophages for osteoclast formation upon   fish collagen treatment

JEEVITHAN ELANGO, Shanghai Ocean University, CN



The Second   Teaching Building




10:45 – 11:00

Heat and edible salts induced   aggregation of the N-terminal domain of HMW 1Dx5   and its effects on the interfacial properties

Jingjing Wang, South China University of Technology, CN

11:00 – 11:15

Vibrio   parahaemolyticus   Thermostable Direct Hemolysin can Inhibit Proliferation by Inducing Apoptosis   and Cell Cycle Arrest in Human Lung Cancer Cell Line SPC-A-1

Shiyi Li, Shanghai Ocean University, CN

11:15 – 11:30

The Effect of Blueberry Anthocyanins that Inhibit the SPCA-1 Growth in   Vitro

Heng Yue, Shanghai Ocean University, CN

11:30 – 11:45

Rapid   Classification and Quality Evaluation of Red Wines by Tri-step Infrared   Spectroscopy combined with Electronic Nose Technology

Xiaozhen Hu, Shanghai Ocean University, CN

11:45 – 12:00

Naringenin Inhibits the Formation of   AGEs in a Bread Model and Attenuates AGEs-induced Inflammation in RAW 264.7   Macrophages

Jing Teng, Shanghai Ocean University, CN

12:00 - 13:30


The Second/   Third Cafeteria

Forum 2




May 25th,   2018Friday

Host: Wenjie Liu, LP, USA

Jun Li, City University of Hong Kong

The Second   Teaching Building



08: 40 - 09:00

Application of Insoluble Dietary Fiber   in Foods

Wenjie Liu, LP, USA

09:20 - 09:40

How dietary intervention influences our   gut microbes and health

Jun Li,   Associate Professor, City University of Hong Kong

09: 40 – 10:00

Active Packaging Technologies for   Extended Shelf Life of Agricultural Products

Li Li,   Associate Professor, Shanghai Ocean University, CN

10:00 – 10:20

Prevalence and   molecular identification of Anisakis in marine fishes in Shanghai

Xu Wang, Shanghai   Veterinary Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, CN

10:20 - 10:30

Time for Rest

10:30 – 10:45

Identification   of Bioactive Constituents from starfish tissue regeneration extracts by   GC-MS/MS technique in search for potential wound healing agents

N. Prithiviraj, Shanghai   Jiao Tong University, CN




The Second   Teaching Building



10:45 – 11:00

Egg   yolk immunoglobulin interactions with Porphyromonas gingivalis to   impact oral diseases

Fang   Wang, Shanghai Ocean University, CN

11:00 – 11:15

Effects   of Anthocyanins from Blueberry on Treatment of Inflammatory Bowel Disease in   TNBS-induced Mice

Tongtong   Zhou, Shanghai Ocean University, CN

11:15 – 11:30

CRISPR-Cas9   knockout qseB to cause the inconsistency of motility and biofilm formation   characteristics of Escherichia coli

Yi   Gou, Shanghai Ocean University, CN

11:30 – 11:45

The   comparative analysis of the growth heterogeneity of Vibrio parahaemolyticus based on oligotrophic and nutrient-rich   conditions

Buke   Zhang, Shanghai Ocean University, CN

11:45 – 12:00

Progress of Modeling and Risk Assessment of Bacillus   cereus in Animal Foods

Yuanmei   Chen, University of Shanghai for   Science and Technology, CN

12:00 - 13:30


The Second/   Third Cafeteria

The second Youth Forum of Shanghai Society of Food Science




May 25th,   2018Friday

HostYong Zhao, Chairman of the Youth work Committee of   Shanghai Society of Food


Ying Zhou, Vice Chairman of the Youth work Committee   of of Shanghai Society of

Food Science

The Second   Teaching Building



08:30 - 08:40

Prof. Yingjie Pan, Welcoming Speech

Director of Shanghai Society of Food Science, CN

08:40 - 08:55

Anserine   Dipeptide from Fish Extracts Ameliorate the Uric Acid Levels in   Fructose-Induced HK2 Cells and Hyperuricemic Patients

Weiting Tseng,Shanghai   LytoneBiochemicals, CN

08:55 - 09:10

Evaluation   of Bubbling Vacuum Cooling for the Small-size Cooked Pork

Xiaoyan Song University of Shanghai for Science and   Technology, CN

09: 10 – 09:25

Genome-wide   identification and cold-induced expression of phospholipase D gene family in   juicy peaches

Sibao   Wan, School of Life Sciences Shanghai University, CN

09:25 – 09:40

Food   consumption survey of Shanghai adults in 2012 and its associations with   phthalate metabolites in urine

Bo Chen,FudanUniversity, CN

09:40 – 09:55

Safety   assessment of Lactobacillus crispatus JDM502 based on whole genome   sequencing

Chang Liu, The School   of Medicine of Shanghai Jiao Tong University, CN

09:55 - 10:20

Time for rest

HostJuquan Shen, The Youth work Committee of Shanghai   Society of Food Science

ZhengHan, The Youth work Committee of Shanghai   Society of Food Science




The Second   Teaching Building



10:20– 10:35

Carboxymethylated   degraded polysaccharides from Enteromorphaprolifera: Preparation and in vitro   antioxidant activity

Xiaoyi Wei, Shanghai   Business School, CN

10:35 – 10:50

Analysis of food safety in   instant noodles

Binhai Shi, Nissin Foods Co., LTD.

10:50 – 11:05

Nutrient   intake of lactating adolescent mothers in Shanghai and its potential   influence on maternal and infant health

Hongxin Jia,Bright   dairy research institute, CN

11:05 – 11:20

Quality Control System for   Fried Oil of Master Kang Instant Noodle-TGP Limits

Luman Zhao, Shanghai Kang Shi Food Technology Co., Ltd.

11:20 – 11:35

Application of colony picker   in food microorganisms

Mengjie Xu, senior   application scientist, Meigu Molecule Instrument (Shanghai) Co., Ltd

11:35 – 11:45

Prof. Xichang Wang, Closing Speech

The Vice Director of Shanghai   Society of Food Science

12:00 - 13:30


The Second/   Third Cafeteria